Each year, my birthday falls on or within a few days of this wonderful holiday. And each year I am continually reminded of how truly blessed I am to have so much to be grateful for and the happiness that filled each day of the past year. Not to mention, the excitement and anticipation another trip around the sun holds!
In honor of the two celebrations, I thought I would put together a post full of all I am so very thankful for, and then in turn, how those warm thoughts become birthday wishes for my upcoming 25th year on this Earth.
First and foremost, I am grateful for my relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. While each day always possess something to smile about, I would be lying if I told you there were never any frowns. But in those moments, it's my relationship with Him that keeps me strong. I often wonder how those without belief in a higher power make it through the struggles of this life. I, myself, know I would surely crumble. My birthday wish is for continual trust and guidance in His plan for the beautiful life He promises each of us.
Secondly, I am grateful for love. Obviously the love of my family and friends, but that of total strangers as well. I know I can always count on an incredible support system for courage--and of course, a good laugh. But it's those random acts of kindness I witness daily that give me such a fuzzy feeling inside. Love is a verb. Yes, it is very much an emotion, but when that feeling is translated into an action, the magic that happens is breathtaking. My birthday wish is for each one of you to experience such a pure and powerful love.
I am also grateful for my education. Many times people (myself included) curse long nights of studying and the continual stress to perform. But I could not be more thankful for my medical education. Seeing all I have learned, put into practice each day in the clinic, is beyond rewarding. An education is something no one can ever take from you. And something people in third world counties die (literally) to obtain. How lucky we are here in the States with such freedom. My birthday wish is that all those striving for knowledge, will be given the opportunity to attain it. And personally, for continued success and clarity of future educational/career opportunities upon graduation in July. (Eek!)
Next, I cannot be more grateful for my health. Often people say, "How lucky you were to have caught the cancer early." And they could not be more correct. I thank God daily for His hand in this journey. Especially this past month. When I posted earlier in November, I had randomly come across an unusual lump in the midline of my neck and was awaiting upcoming appointments and tests. It was unilateral, painful with certain movements, and in a location where very little could go wrong aside from malignancy. Even my "you're fine" medical friends (we all have a strange mindset wherein nothing is ever truly wrong) were concerned. But thanks be to God's protection and care, the mass checked out as benign; something we will continue to follow but is of little concern at this point. Praise heaven! What a giant relief that news was for myself and loved ones. So, my birthday wish is for a year of wellness, and the healing of every body. It is my pet peeve when people complain about "getting another year older." The American Cancer Society has a motto that I adore: Helping to create more birthdays. The celebration of a birthday, is a celebration of another year of memories; something to be cherished--not dreaded. I still act like an overly excited child when November 29th rolls around! And I do not foresee that changing anytime soon :)
And finally, I am grateful for simple joys. I make it my M.O. (modus operandi--latin for method of operation) to take notice of all the little pleasures. It's those things we take for granted that others are praying for daily. Because when you truly pause and look around, life is pretty amazing. And I can assure you, it's those simple joys that fill a heart with so much happiness. My birthday wish is for each of you to notice the little things. Your heart will thank you.
My last wish is in the form of a prayer. Enjoy. And blessings this holiday weekend! xoxo
May God grant:
Lucky stars above you.
Sunshine on your way.
Many friends to love you.
Joy in work and play.
Laughter to outweigh each care.
In your heart a song.
And gladness waiting everywhere,
all your whole life long!