Tuesday, February 14, 2012

L-O-V-E ♥

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I know there are many people who have nothing but terrible things to say about this holiday. But, I have always been fond of February 14th. And I promise it has nothing to do with being head over heels in love with Prince Charming. (Who by the way, must just be lost and is simply finding his way to me.)

My grandmother adores Valentine’s Day. Her and I are very much alike in a lot of ways, and so I think I understand why her heart beats a little faster this time of year. To me, it is a day to share with family and friends how much they mean to you. Even though we should do this everyday, we all know the busyness of life and routine get the best of us, and stopping to remind those around you how much they are loved doesn’t always happen. Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to take a step back, pause what you are doing, and go out of your way for the ones who hold a special place in your heart.

To honor this day, I thought I would share just a few of the things I love:

Cards or even a simple post-it note. Thoughtful words will always mean so much more to me than anything with a price tag.

The breathless moment when time stops for just an instant when your best friend or that special person’s name appears on your phone.

Food. Plain and simple. Trying new restaurants, craving old ones, or whipping up creations in the kitchen.

Summer nights under the lights of the local baseball field, sunflower seeds in hand. Diamond’s really are a girls best friend, and I’m already coming down with a case of Spring Fever.

Sunday’s. Waking up, going to church, coming home to brunch, and then spending the afternoon relaxing.

The imaginations and adventurous spirits of children. Spending time with kids of all ages is priceless and will forever warm my heart.

Walking around a hospital, clinic, or anything medical related. The rush that totally consumes me is unbelievable.

When the perfect song comes on the radio or your iPod.

The simplicity of a hug, and the monumental difference it can make in that moment.

Having the ability to acquire knowledge about anything at the click of a mouse.

The adrenaline that comes with extreme roller coasters, parasailing, sitting on the back of an alligator (I did this in Africa) or any other adventure. Next on my list, skydiving.

Going for a run while in a new city and getting lost in neighborhoods on purpose, just to see if you can find your way back.

Looking at old family photos and watching home videos.

Having a best friend who knows that even though laughing is the most painful thing to do because you just had surgery on your throat, still finds every way to make us laugh until we cry.

Getting together with family during the Holidays. Traditions of food, card and board games, and crazy impersonations of the Griswold family from Christmas Vacation.

Seeing every detail of a snowflake perfectly preserved on your windshield. The first signs of Spring when flowers begin to peak out of the ground. Summer days with the sun reflecting off the water. And the beauty of rich colors in Autumn.

Being completely exhausted after a tough work out, and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it.

The never-ending love of family and true friends, especially when there are times we probably don’t deserve it.

And last but certainly not least, knowing that each one of us has been uniquely brought into this world to share our God given gifts and talents. Knowing His love for us is greater than anything we will ever experience.

I hope you all have a day filled with the moments that make you smile! So far, I had cards and little gifts waiting for my family when they woke up, made heart-shaped crepes with my mom for breakfast, took roses to my grandma, got lunch for my brother, talked to my best friend, and went to The Vow with my mom. Love is a beautiful thing!


PS: I came home to beautiful red roses and a note that touched my heart. Thank you to whoever "Your Admirer" may be. I would love to be able to tell you how much I appreciate it! 

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