Thursday, April 5, 2012

Almost A Great Day

I woke up yesterday and my stomach dropped. I realized it was Wednesday, the day my phone needed to be glued to my hand in preparation for the call from my doctor. Up until that moment I honestly had not thought much about it. Then just as I was about to enter my microbiology class, it rang.

Everything came back good! Side note: I promise I meant to post yesterday, but my 30 minute afternoon nap unintentionally turned into a 3 hour one. Then my evening was consumed with studying for an exam I had this morning. Anyway, the tumor markers were still not present. Meaning: either the radiation is doing a good enough job right now of attacking the cancer, or the cancer has not spread to the areas that appeared on the scan. My blood glucose and A1C were in the normal range. Vitamin D and calcium came back decent. And my thyroid medicine is normal as well. So, all very good things. 

While we were both excited, she sensed I was probably a little disappointed with the thyroid medicine results because I am still not feeling the best. And yes, I am a little bummed out. But I told her I need to keep reminding myself that I am only 3 months post-surgery and 2 months out from radiation and it is still fighting inside me. She agreed. Both of those things have caused my body to be totally thrown out of whack, which is going to require patience on my part. I would love a quick fix and be back to "normal" but in reality that is not possible. Time is the only thing that will straighten all of this out. 

All of this means that I am in the clear until July!! I have 3 whole months until I have to report back for an ultrasound, possible scans, blood work, and check-ups with all of the doctors. That will be the big 6 month check. Thank goodness because every weekend from now until the end of May has at least one thing marked down in my planner. 

But while all of that was a relief, it wouldn't make sense for my day to end with good news. I called my mom right after I spoke with my doctor and I could sense something was wrong. I told her my news and she was happy, but then proceeded to say that she was sitting in the emergency room with all of her sisters. My grandma had fallen that morning and hit the back of her head. She was waiting to tell me because she knew I probably had enough on my mind. After a few scans, it was determined that she has a slow, internal brain bleed and was transferred to ICU. Vitamin K was being pumped through to aid in clotting and the Coumadin she is on was being flushed out because it thins the blood. As of right now she is still in ICU for observation and is doing well. They have the bleed under control and see no reason to perform surgery. Thank the Lord! My grandma has been through enough. She had 8 children, is a colon cancer survivor of 20+ years, suffered a stroke about 6 years ago on Christmas Eve, broke her hip a year later on New Year's Eve, two summers ago had a subdural hematoma and brain surgery was performed to put in a shunt, months of intense therapy, random TIA's, and now this. After her brain surgery the doctor told her she could not do three things: fall, fall or fall. So each time something happens, our hearts skip a beat because if one little thing goes wrong, that could be it. 

Obviously my grandma is one tough lady. After hearing the news yesterday, my trip home tomorrow for Easter cannot come soon enough. My heart aches so badly for her. The first thing I am going to do is drive straight to the hospital and put a smile on her face.

I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Easter with loved ones. Saturday night we are celebrating my other grandma and dad's birthdays, and my uncle is coming home to say Easter Sunday mass at our parish, followed by brunch at our house. 

As for every other hour of the day starting today thru Sunday afternoon, I will be camped out by the television watching coverage of The Masters golf tournament. I of course stocked up on cans of Zero Calorie Arnold Palmer's from the store to enjoy. (Google them. Then go buy one. Seriously the best drink ever made!) I would love to see Rory and Tiger head to head in the final round. Also, I officially decided I will be in attendance next year. I don't know how much longer I can take just watching it on TV! Everything about the tournament is perfect: colors, course condition, flowers, music, roars of the crowd, the beauty everywhere of everything, intensity of each stroke, and the celebration of the legends who changed the face of golf. 

Thank you all again for the prayers and support! They have definitely been working.  

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