Thursday, November 6, 2014

Africa in the Heartland

November is one of my most favorite months of the year. The weather is crisp and leaves are still changing. Starbucks brings out their festive red holiday cups. (I may be sipping from one as we speak...) Fireplaces are lit. A really special girl has a birthday at the end the month. ;) And I love witnessing the heightened sense of gratitude amongst everyone in the days leading up to Thanksgiving.

Gratitude. A simple word, with such a profound meaning. And a very difficult emotion to embrace at times.

This past month has been full of trials and tribulations. Or as my current psychiatric patients often say, "Well. Life happened," when explaining how they ended up at an inpatient psychiatric hospital...for the eighth time. So, I am going to take their words and keep it simple by saying, "Life is happening." And while majority of the time, I know without a doubt I am far more blessed than I deserve; yet, I would be lying if I did not admit that my strength has been tested, and the decision to stop carrying a few crosses needed to be made--or I might have found my name on the psych hospital daily rounds list!

One of my "coping strategies" (a strategy taught daily to my patients) when things are not pretty and peaceful, is to wish I was in Africa. Back to the place where my heart has never felt such an overwhelming happiness. The problem with my strategy, though, is obvious. Hopping on a plane and embarking over the Atlantic Ocean for a few days of therapy is only realistic if you are Angelina Jolie. While I may be as stunningly beautiful as her (ha kidding, of course!), I definitely do not have the means on all accounts. So. I have decided to bring my Africa to the Heartland. Incorporating all of the features that filled my soul with pure joy, into my daily life here.

Today I re-read the journal entries from my mission trip. Here is what I noted as things I would miss upon my return home:

  • Beauty of the land.
  • Laid back lifestyle. 
  • How the faces of each patient lit up when I smiled. 
  • No obligations. Only to love.
  • Opportunities left and right to make a remarkable difference in the lives of others. 
  • African music. 
  • Excited of the children yelling "Obrooni! Obrooni!" (translated to "white person.")
  • Absence from technology. 
  • Fresh mangos.
  • Exploring an entirely different culture. 
  • Sound of waves crashing on the shore. 
  • Vibrant colors. 
  • Time to reflect and relax. 
  • Abundant time to be with God. 
  • Faith and love shining out from everyone. 
  • Smiles of the young and old. 
  • Perfect peace.
The common theme is clear. I was/am missing the simplicity of life and appreciation of the little things. Gratitude. 

Those crosses I am bearing? I could go on and on about my frustrations. But they are weightless in Africa. Everyone there faces daily battles far more difficult than many of us will probably ever witness in a lifetime. And yet they know there is no need to carry them, as the Lord manages the load for us all on His own. Instead? Smile. And often. Take time to pause. And pray. Love others. And love hard. Embrace life. And hold nothing back. Help someone else. And then help ten more. Most importantly--fill your day with gratitude. 

Here is part of another journal entry I read--which naturally is a perfect fit still today:  

July 14th, 2011--8:12pm Ghana time
My daily devotion today was so great. Here's a bit of what it said:
"I could instantly grant you the spiritual riches you desire, but that is not my way for you. Together we will forge a pathway up the high mountain...someday you will dance on the high peaks...all I require is for you to take the next step. Clinging to my hand for strength and direction...stay on the path I have selected for you. It is truly the path of life."

So to each of you this November, I trust and hope that you too will add a touch of Africa to your daily lives. I can assure you, the feeling is like none other. And as far as my health (a current cross I am tossing to the wayside), there are a few concerning issues as of late. One's that I was reminded today, need to be addressed. But that insurance problem I mentioned briefly before? It has only escalated. (Another cross I am giving up to the Big Man.) So you could say I am in-between a rock and a hard place. However, this is my path. Right now I am only required to take the next step. Easy! Once I have a better idea of things, and to spare a lengthy post, I will update. For now? We pray. And look up flights to Africa ;) 

Wishing you all the beautiful blessings this month brings!


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